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Become a Professional MERN Stack Developer in just 6 months.

Gain practical experience, master essential skills, and craft your portfolio from the scratch.
Ready to shape your career through coding? Enroll in the MERN Stack program now.

Top Companies
Why Choose MERN Stack Development?
Even though the MERN Stack is acknowledged as a powerful tool for web development, a shortage of skilled professionals and accessible training opportunities hampers its widespread adoption.
Average CTC of 5LPA
Global Market Requirement
Versatile Skill
In-Demand skill in 2024

Who should choose MERN Stack Development?

Web Developer 
Business Professional
Programming Enthusiast
Career Changers
Project Managers
People who are interested to learn about internet and web applications

How does Debugshala navigate the learning experience?

Choosing a course with lectures and modules for a certificate isn't enough. DebugShala goes beyond, offering hands-on implementation, AI tools, and a performance dashboard for practical learning.
It's not just about certificates, it's about building real solutions.
Practical Learning Offline

Benefit from a carefully curated batches, ensuring a collaborative and enriching learning experience.

Personalized Training Experience

Benefit from a carefully curated batches, ensuring a collaborative and enriching learning experience.

Personal AI Assistant - Meet Yukti

Navigate your Data Science journey with Yukti, your personal AI assistant at DebugShala.

Progress Tracking Dashboard and Study Space

Track your progress seamlessly with our dedicated dashboard.

Interactive Offline Developer Community

You learn and grow best when you are surrounded by like-minded people , You will be made part of a community where you can network, share opportunities, and build relations.

Let's have an overview of the course

Module 1
Web Development Fundamentals
Building the Basics: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Master the essentials of HTML for structuring web pages.
  • Dive into CSS for styling and layout.
  • Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript.
  • Understand variables, data types, basic programming concepts, DOM manipulation, ES6 etc .
Module 2
Frontend Development with React
Creating Dynamic UIs: React.js Essentials
  • Explore React basics and component structure.
  • Learn about the React virtual DOM.
  • Understand state and props in React.
  • Implement navigation using React Router.
  • Build interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
Module 3
Full Stack Development with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
Crafting the Full Stack: Backend and Database Essentials
  • Learn server-side JavaScript with Node.js.
  • Build RESTful APIs using Express.
  • Explore MongoDB as a NoSQL database.
  • Use Mongoose for Node.js and MongoDB integration.
  • Develop a foundational understanding of full-stack development.
module 4
Advanced Topics and Deployment
Scaling Up: Git, API Integration, and Deployment
  • Understand Git basics for version control.
  • Collaborate on GitHub for code management.
  • Explore API concepts and integration with JavaScript.
  • Fetch and display external data in your applications.
  • Learn deployment basics and hosting options for full-stack applications.

Master these tools

Node Package Manager
React DevTools

Roadmap at Debugshala

Counseling Session

Seek guidance and advice for career development.

Admission Process

Gain practical experience through applied learning.

Placement Preparation

Enhance employability skills and prepare for job interviews.

Industry-Level Project

Develop real-world projects to demonstrate capabilities.

Interview & Exposure

Engage in mock interviews and gain industry exposure.


Secure a job position aligned with career aspirations.

Seeking Answers? Find Them All in Our Detailed FAQ

What distinguishes Debugshala's MERN Stack Development course in Indore, and how does Yukti by Debugshala enhance the learning experience specifically for MERN Stack Development?
Debugshala's MERN Stack Development course in Indore stands out due to its hands-on training, personalized mentorship, and engagement with the interactive developer community. Yukti by Debugshala elevates the learning experience for MERN Stack Development with AI-assisted tools, offering tailored insights for a more effective learning journey.
Could you provide more insights into Debugshala's MERN Stack Development courses in Indore and the role played by AI-enhanced learning modules by Yukti by Debugshala?
Debugshala provides diverse MERN Stack Development courses in Indore, featuring practical training, mentorship, and active involvement in the developer community. Yukti by Debugshala enriches these courses with AI-assisted learning modules, delivering intelligent insights and adapting to the individual learning pace for an enhanced educational experience.
What is the fee structure for Debugshala's MERN Stack Development program in Indore?
The fees for our MERN Stack Development program in Indore vary based on the specific program and duration you choose. For detailed information, please reach out to our admissions team. Moreover, Debugshala ensures industry-standard hands-on training, guaranteeing success in placements and domain expertise.
How does Debugshala's MERN Stack Development course ensure students master the intricacies of Web Development?
Debugshala's MERN Stack Development course is meticulously designed to ensure student success through practical training, mentorship, and active participation in our interactive developer community. Yukti by Debugshala's AI tools play a crucial role in augmenting learning experiences by providing adaptive content, quizzes, and assignments tailored to individual student progress.
Can you elaborate on the placement assistance provided for Debugshala's MERN Stack Development courses in Indore, and how does Yukti by Debugshala contribute to job placement success?
Debugshala's commitment to 100% placement assistance is integral to our MERN Stack Development courses in Indore. Yukti by Debugshala combines AI-assisted training modules with real-time job market insights, ensuring students are well-prepared for securing jobs in MERN Stack Development.
How does Yukti by Debugshala's AI-assisted training specifically benefit students enrolled in the MERN Stack Development course?
Within the MERN Stack Development course, Debugshala seamlessly integrates Yukti by Debugshala's AI-assisted modules to elevate the learning experience. This dynamic approach helps students gain a profound understanding of MERN Stack Development, with Yukti's AI tools adapting to individual learning paces, optimizing their journey in MERN Stack Development.
Could you delve into the significance of the interactive developer community within Debugshala's MERN Stack Development courses?
Our interactive developer community at Debugshala fosters collaboration, innovation, and networking specifically tailored for MERN Stack Development. It serves as a space where students and professionals connect, share ideas, and provide mutual support in the context of MERN Stack Development.
Is there a partnership between Debugshala and a staffing and recruitment services company specifically focused on MERN Stack Development?
Yes, Debugshala collaborates with "The Data Career," specializing in staffing and recruitment services with a focus on MERN Stack Development. This strategic partnership ensures that individuals completing Debugshala's MERN Stack Development courses have access to a vast network of job placements and opportunities aligned with their MERN Stack Development skills and aspirations.

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